Visual Aids

The Orgelakademie Stade e. V. has various visual aids available to demonstrate how an organ works: an Organ Model, Portatives and Organ Suitcases.

Organ Suitcase

To illustrate the functioning and tone colour of the organ to children and adults, the Orgelakademie Stade has developed the… Weiterlesen

Mr. Lesser

... draws an organ The function of an organ – explained with series of 25 drawings The artist Laura Lesser… Weiterlesen


Building an organ together: this is possible at the Orgelakademie Stade as we bought a “Doe-Orgel” in the Netherlands, that… Weiterlesen


A small portable organ called portative was used in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance at processions, but hardly for… Weiterlesen

Organ Model

How an organ functions… The portable organ model was build for working with children and adolescents who are brought closer to the world-famous organs in the Elbe-Weser region in the context of the project “Old Organs for Young People”. Weiterlesen

Children’s Books

In 2016 and 2017 the Orgelakademie Stade has published two children’s books on the subject of the organ: “Das große Orgel-Familientreffen” and “Die… Weiterlesen


Die Geschichte von Piep dem Pieper Wer erfand die Orgel? Wie funktioniert sie? Guy Bovet und Johanna Krumstroh erzählen… Weiterlesen